作者 PMCS-ARTS 1 個章節   Mature



This story is about a young man named Drake Jones who is a High School student and an aspiring detective. One day, Drake's friends came to his house and talked about going on a vacation, an island escapade. They were really having fun there at the island however there was a unexpected turn of events, a murder occurred. Can Drake and his friends solve this mystery and capture the person behind all of it?


  1. {"id":4516,"story_id":961,"user_id":13741,"manga_translation_id":null,"name":"Drake Jones' Case File ","created_at":"2021-09-12T09:56:42.636Z","updated_at":"2022-05-08T01:01:08.437Z","url":"https://www.mangacat.io/chapters/4516.json"}


This story is about a young man named Drake Jones who is a High School student and an aspiring detective. One day, Drake's friends came to his house and talked about going on a vacation, an island escapade. They were really having fun there at the island however there was a unexpected turn of events, a murder occurred. Can Drake and his friends solve this mystery and capture the person behind all of it?

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